NEW DELHI: On 25 February 2021, 2 hashtags on the Narendra Modi government are on trending on Twitter. These 2 trending hashtags are #modi_job_do and #GoBackModi. Hence, Indian active Twitter users are not able to understand why Modi Job Do and Go Back Modi is trending on Twitter since today’s morning but in our recent post, we have covered that Modi Boyfriend do and Modi Rojgar do Trending on Twitter.
Uncommon hashtags like hashtag modi_job_ do and Go Back Modi is trending on Twitter causing another two great trends regarding the Modi Government. Along with these two hashtags #FarmsAreNotStadiums is trending on Twitter. But soon after, some other trends started happening.
Recent a hashtag #ModirSatheBangla was on trend caused by an advertisement campaign which is running in bengal tv networks and channel about Atmanirbhar Bahat and Atmanirbhar Bangla.
Regarding the economic issue like increase in petrol and diesel prices, farmer agitation, new agricultural laws and unemployment issue, users are often seen on social media raging against the government. A lot of memes are also built on the government by connecting with PM Modi. Since this morning, the users were questioning the government about unemployment and were making a lot of mimes too, but after some time, users started asking for a job from PM Modi.
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